
This reference document contains the details of the PurchasedProduct class.


Type Param Description
string productId Unique identifier for the purchased product.
string orderId Returns a unique identifier for the transaction.
string originalJson Returns a string in JSON containing details of the purchase order.
string packageName Returns the application package from which the purchase originated.
long purchaseTime Returns the time of purchase.
string purchaseToken Returns the unique identifier purchase token.
string signature Returns the string containing the purchase signature signed using the developer’s private key.
boolean autoRenewing Returns if the purchase is auto-renewing.
string developerPayload A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order.
string subscriptionStatus Returns the subscription status – defined here.
string subscriptionPeriod Returns the Subscription period, specified in ISO 8601 format.
long expiryTimeMillis Returns subscription expiry time in milliseconds.
long subscriptionPurchaseDateMillis Returns subscription purchase date.
bool isAcknowledged Returns whether the purchase has been acknowledged.

subscriptionStatus Definition

Possible Returns Description
PENDING The order has been created, but the payment is pending.
EXPIRED The subscription renewal has failed.
ACTIVE Payment has been completed, and the subscription is active.
DELETED The developer has deleted the subscription from nowStudio.
CANCELLED The user has cancelled the subscription.

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