
nowStudio enables game developers and publishers to seamlessly publish their apps on nowCloud and leverage various tools to monetize and build trust.

With now.gg Studio, the developers can:

  • Utilize now.gg SDK to enable:
    • Single-click login with now.gg User Account Service.
    • In-app Payments with now.gg Payments Module.
      • Support for one-time purchase and Subscription products.
    • Embedded Gameplay on your website with Embed SDK and Events Module.
    • In-app Rewarded Ads with now.gg Rewarded Ads Module.
    • Web3 Gaming Wallet with now.gg Wallet Module.
    • Platform security with now.gg Shield Module.
  • Seamlessly publish your apps with:
    • Support for Android and HTML5 apps.
    • Dedicated cloud testing environment.
    • Support for multiple testing tracks.
    • Support to publish apps in multiple regions.
    • Embed gameplay on your website using now.gg Embed SDK.
  • Get access to curated tools to:
    • Set up a now.gg powered Webshop or connect your existing Webshop for global accessibility and enhanced monetization streams.
    • Boost traffic for your game with:
    • Specialized distribution channels (now.gg Partner Network and now.gg Owned Properties) for increased exposure and reach
    • Custom apps for Discord, Telegram and Line.
    • Mini games for Twitch and TikTok.
  • Enable in-app and Webshop Payments using either:
    • now.gg Powered Payments
    • Third-party Payments
  • Access your game’s Analytics with our powerful dashboard for:
    • Performance Analytics
    • IAP orders (Webshop and IAP)
    • Ads Revenue.
  • Access support options by now.gg.
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Questions? Please reach out to us at dev-support@now.gg