
This section provides details associated with the Publish dashboard of nowStudio.

nowStudio features a publishing dashboard that enables seamless app publishing and management.

Using this documentation, you can conveniently use the following dashboard options:

  • Configure your app
  • Test your app on Cloud.
  • Take your app Live.

Configure Your App

Using this section, you can configure and deploy your Android app(s) on Testing and Production environments.

We have listed the steps to configure both:

App Details

After you add your app, the details associated with your app are listed in this section.

To access the App details section:

  • Login to nowStudio
  • From the All Apps section
    • Click on View Details in front of your app.
    • Click on App Details in the left navigation.
    • The following is a sample representation of the App Details section:

The App details section includes the following information:

  • App ID
  • Payment ID (Used for Payments Module integration)
  • App Package Name
  • App Title
  • Genre
  • Genre Tags (Optional)
  • Publisher Name

If you wish to edit the provided information:

  • Click on the Edit button in the bottom-right corner.
  • After you are finished updating the details, click on Save.


  • The App ID, Payment ID and App Package Name fields cannot be edited.

Android Game

Using this section, you can configure and deploy your Android game on Testing and Production environments.

Testing Release

After you have added your Android game and chosen the option to test your app, you will be redirected to the Testing Release section.

You can use this section to create a release and deploy your app on the Cloud testing environment.

1. Create a New Release

Using this section, you can create a testing release for your app.

Important Information

To create a new release:

1.1 Upload APK

You can use this option to upload only the APK file.

To do this:

  • Select Upload Apk
  • Enter the Apk version and Version code
  • Click on Pick file to select Apk source.
    • Select the file from your system.
  • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
  • Click on Save.
    • A progress bar will appear with the following confirmation message-
      Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
    • Your App File will be uploaded, and your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • You can now continue to Deploy your app on Testing Environment.

Important Information

  • The Apk version and Version code are mandatory fields.
  • We don’t support the Android App Bundle (AAB) format.
  • We suggest using CLI to upload files larger than 1 GB.
1.2 Upload Zip (APK + Assets)

You can use this option to upload a Zip containing Apk+Assets.

To do this:

  • Select Upload Zip (Apk + Assets).
  • Enter the Apk version and Version code.
  • Click on Pick File.
    • Select the Zip file from your system.
  • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
  • Click on Save.
    • A progress bar will appear with the following confirmation message-
      Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
    • Your App File will be uploaded, and your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • You can now continue to Deploy your app on Testing Environment.

Important Information

  • Make sure to follow the Zip folder structure specified here.
  • We don’t support the Android App Bundle (AAB) format.
  • We suggest using CLI to upload files larger than 1 GB.
1.3 App Library

You can choose this option to use the app version(s) you have added to the App Library.

To do this:

  • Select From App Library.
    • From the listed versions, select the desired app version to create a release.
    • You can click on the (i) icon to access any additional information you may have added while uploading the build to nowStudio.
  • Click on Save.
    • Your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • You can now continue to Deploy your app on Testing Environment.

2. Deploy App For Testing

After you create a release, your app will be saved as a “Draft“, as shown below:

To deploy your app to Testing Environment:

  • Click on the Deploy button against the release version you wish to deploy.
  • A confirmation window will appear, click on Deploy.
    • Ensure you’ve checked all the details. Once deployed, you’ll have to cancel the app submission to make changes.
    • This action will submit your app release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review, as shown below:
    • After your release is ready, the status will change to Live, and a testing link will appear, as shown below:
    • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

Important Information

  • If you cancel a release while it is Under Review, you must create a new release for testing, as the cancelled release will be marked as Rejected.
  • If you wish to delete your release, refer to the Delete Release section.

3. Setup Secure Access

Using this section, you can configure the Secure Access settings for your apps published on Test Track.

The Secure Access feature lets you control the access setting for your generated testing links on nowStudio. You can either allow open access or restrict access and only allow certain users to access your apps testing environment.

Access Setting
You can conveniently allow open access or restrict access to your app’s testing release(s).

To do this, select either:

  • Open Access (Default Selection)
    Anyone with a link can access your app on the testing environment (Test Tracks).
  • Restricted
    Only the allowed users can access your app on the testing environment (Test Tracks).
1. Open
To set open access:

  • Select Open.
  • Click on Save.

2. Restricted
To enable restricted access:

  • Select Restricted.
    • The Allow Users section will be enabled as shown below:
    • Enter the user’s email address associated with a account, to whom you want to grant access, as shown above.
    • Click on Add.
  • Click on Save.

Important Information

  • The user’s email address must be associated with a account.
  • While accessing your app using the testing link, the user(s) will be prompted to ‘Login with’.
    • The user(s) must use their allowed email address to log in and access the game.

Additional Information

This section explains the different features and functionalities of nowStudio Test Tracks.

1. Multiple Testing Tracks extends functionality to add multiple testing tracks for you to conveniently test different versions of your app on Cloud.

To add test tracks:

  • After selecting your app from the All Apps dashboard.
  • Click on the (+) button in front of the Testing section, as shown below:
  • This action will add a new test track for you to create a new release.

Important Information

  • You can add multiple test tracks to test different versions of your app based on your requirements.
  • Testing tracks are only available with Android apps.

2. Edit Test Track Name

nowStudio allows you to edit the test track names to provide better accessibility and usage for your testing scenarios.

The following steps illustrate this process:

  • After selecting your app from the All Apps dashboard.
  • Click on the edit button in front of the test track name, as shown below:
  • Enter the name you wish to assign to this test track, as shown below:
  • Press Enter.
    • Your test track will be renamed.

3. Delete Test Track

nowStudio offers a flexible testing environment with test track deletion, maximizing user control and efficiency to ensure streamlined test environment management.

The following steps illustrate the process of deleting a test track from nowStudio.

To do this:

  • After selecting your app from the All Apps dashboard.
  • Click on the delete button in front of the test track that you wish to delete, as shown below:
  • A confirmation dialog box will pop up, as shown below:
  • Your selected test track will be deleted.

Important Information

  • Once you delete a test track, it cannot be restored.
    • All the related builds will become inaccessible. However, any live links within this test track will continue to work.

Production Release

Using this section, you can take your app live by providing the required app details and creating a release.

1. Select Your App

To select your Android app and create a Production Release:

  • From the All Apps section, click on View Details in front of the app that you wish to select.
  • Click on Information under Production on the left sidebar, and continue configuring your app in the next step.
2. Configure Your App

After you have selected the app, you can configure it by providing the following details:

  • Provide Details
    • Information
    • Regions
    • Description and Assets
    • Distribution Channels
    • App Contents
  • Create a Release
  • Deploy Your App

1. Provide Details

Using this section, enter the app details to create a release and deploy your app.

1.1 Information

Use this section to add additional information about your app/game, such as:

  • Official Email Address
  • Terms of Service URL (Optional)
  • Privacy Policy URL
  • Custom Domain, if your App will be hosted on a custom domain (Optional)

After you have entered the information:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Regions on the left navigation to continue configuring the Regions information.

1.2 Regions

Use this section to choose the region(s) where your app/game will be available. You can also disable your app/game on specific device(s). You may select from the following regions:

  • All Regions
  • North America
  • South America
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • APAC
  • Southeast Asia
  • India
  • Middle East (MEA)
  • Eastern Europe
  • Western Europe
1.2.1 Devices

The following device options are provided. You can choose to restrict/disable one or more devices based on your requirements.

  • Desktop
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Tablet
  • TV

To disable your app/game on a device(s):

  • Uncheck the checkbox against the device name for the required region(s).
  • Here is a sample representation:
  • After selecting your desired regions and configuring device restrictions:
    • Click on Save.
  • Click on Description and Assets on the left navigation to continue configuring the Description and Assets.


  • Depending on your preference, you may publish your app/game in ‘All Regions’ or select the specific region(s) or sub-regions.
  • Device restrictions are region-specific. By default, the app/game is enabled on all devices.

1.3 Description and Assets

Use this section to add the app/game description and assets.

You can either:

1.3.1 Upload Assets

Using this option, you can:

  1. Add game description.
  2. Create a dedicated Game Page.
  3. Provide associated game assets.
A. App Description

Write a description of your app/game. (*Mandatory), as shown below:

B. Create Game Page

A Game Page is a dedicated and customizable resource that showcases multiple aspects of your game on a single page.

Here’s what is showcased on the Game Page:

  • Information about your game
  • Gameplay screenshots.
  • A ‘Play Now’ button, which is used to launch the game directly from the Game Page.
    • Shown only if your app is published on the Cloud.
  • The Webshop Products that the users can buy directly from the Game Page.
    • Shown only if you build a Webshop powered by

To automatically create a game page:

  • Toggle the slider to Yes, as shown below:
C. Provide Game Assets

Upload the assets based on the specifications below:

  • General Game Assets:
    • Game Icon
      • Dimensions – 512 x 512px
      • Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Game Logo
      • Dimensions – 550 x 300px
      • Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Screenshots
      • Dimensions – 16:9, 9:16 (each side between 320px to 3840px)
      • Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Banner Image
      • Dimensions – 1920 x 630px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • OG Image
      • Dimensions – 1200 x 630px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Banner Video
      • Dimensions – 1920 x 1080px
      • Format – MP4
      • Maximum size – 50 Mb
  • Mobile App Page Banner:
    • Banner Image
      • Dimensions – 720 x 1280px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Banner Video
      • Dimensions – 720 x 1280px
      • Format – MP4
      • Maximum size – 50 Mb

After you have entered the information:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Distribution Channels on the left navigation to continue configuring the distribution channels.
1.3.2 Use Google Play Assets

If your app/game is published on Google Play, you may use the same app/game description and assets with

To do so:

  • Enter the Google Play Store URL for your game

After you have entered the information:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Distribution Channels on the left navigation to continue configuring the Distribution Channels.


  • If you select ‘Use Google Play assets’, the Game Page will not be created.
  • With this option, we will automatically pick all your assets and description from the Google Play URL.

1.4 Distribution Channels

This section allows you to select the distribution channels that you wish to enable before creating a production release for your app.

1.4.1 Owned Properties

Enable this distribution channel to publish your app across Owned Properties on Cloud and PC.

To enable this channel:

  • Toggle the switch to Yes.
  • Select from:
    • Cloud Play
      The app will be available on iOS, Android, PC and Mac.
    • Download & Play
      The app will be available on PC & Mac.

Important Information

  • If you opt to distribute your app on both properties listed above, you should create a single APK.
  • If in case you have multiple APKs, please create separate apps for both properties.

1.4.2 Partner Network

Enable this distribution channel to publish your app across Partner Network, considerably increasing your app’s exposure and reach.

To enable this channel:

  • Toggle the switch to Yes.

1.4.3 Developer Website

Enable this distribution channel if you will Embed your Cloud game on your website.

To enable this channel:

  • Toggle the switch to Yes.

Important Information

After you have configured the Distribution Channels:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on App Contents on the left navigation to continue configuring the App Contents.

1.5 Select App Contents

Use this section to select the contents of your app/game before submitting it for review. You can select the services that you may have integrated with your app/game.

1.5.1 Optimize cloud environment to allow game saves

Using the Cloud Optimization feature will enable you to efficiently save and restore the game progress data on Cloud.

To do this:

  • Provide us with:
    • Save File Paths
      Indicates the location of files or folders which should be saved on the cloud.
    • Excluded File Paths 
      Indicates the location of files and folders which you do not want to save on the cloud.

Note: Click here to read more about Cloud Optimization.

1.5.2 SDK Module Integration

Using this section, you can select the SDK modules that you have integrated with your app.

To do this:

  • Select Yes/No for the following:
    • App contains built-in Ads
    • App contains In-app purchases

After you have configured the App Contents:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Release on the left navigation menu to create a new release.
  • If you wish to create a Testing Release before taking your game live, refer to this section.

2. Create a Release

Using this section, you can create a production release for the selected app and manage your release(s).

Important Information

  • If you have already added a new app, you can skip the App selection step and directly refer to the Create a New Release section.
  • If any mandatory information is missing, you will receive a prompt to provide that information. You can click on Take me there on the prompt to navigate to the respective section.
Select your App

To select your app from the All Apps section:

  • Click on View Details in front of your app name, as shown below:

2.1 Create a New Release

After you have provided the App Information, you can create a release for your app using this section.

To create a release:

  • Click on Create New Release button on the top-right corner.
    A pop-up window will open to choose your app files.
  • Follow the steps below to choose the app file options.
Choose App Files

You can select any one of the following as the app file source:

2.1.1 Upload APK

You can use this option to upload only the APK file.

To do this:

  • Select Upload Apk
  • Enter the Apk version and Version code.
  • Within Apk Source
    • Click on Pick file to upload the APK from your system.
    • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
    • Click on Save.
      A progress bar will appear with a confirmation message-
      Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
    • Your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • Continue to Deploy Your App.

Important Information

  • The Android App Bundle (AAB) format is not supported.
  • While uploading a new APK for your app/game, we recommend that you:
    • Update the File version.
    • Maintain an incremental Version code.
  • We suggest using CLI to upload files larger than 1 GB.
2.1.2 Upload Zip (APK + Assets)

You can use this option to upload a zip archive containing the APK, OBB files, and Assets associated with your App.

To do this:

1. Create a Zip Archive

2. Upload the zip archive

To do this:

  • Select Upload Zip (Apk + Assets)
  • Enter the Apk version and Version code.
  • Within Apk Source
    • Click on Pick file and select the zip to upload.
    • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
    • Click on Save.
      A progress bar will appear with the following confirmation message-
      Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
    • Your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • Continue to Deploy Your App.

Important Information

  • Make sure to follow the folder structure from here.
  • We don’t support the Android App Bundle (AAB) format.
  • We suggest using CLI to upload files larger than 1 GB.
2.1.3 App Library

You can choose this option to use the app version you have added to the App Library.

To do this:

  • Select From App Library
  • From the listed versions, select the desired app version to create a release.
    • You can click on the (i) icon to access any additional information you may have added while uploading the build to nowStudio.
  • Click on Save.
    • Your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • Continue to Deploy Your App.
2.1.4 Others – Google Play APK URL

You can choose this option to use the APK of your app/game from the Google Play Store.

To do this:

  • Select Others
  • Please enter your Google Play APK URL.
  • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
  • Click on Save
    • Your release will be saved as a Draft.
  • Continue to Deploy Your App.

Note: If you opt to use the Google Play APK URL, we will use the APK of your app from the Google Play Store. You do not need to upload the APK manually.

3. Deploy Your App

This section illustrates the app deployment process on nowStudio.


  • Based on your region, you might be required to accept the Terms and Conditions of Contract and Licensing agreement to deploy your app.

After you have created a release, you can deploy it on the production environment.

3.1 Start Deployment

To deploy your app:

  • Click on the Deploy button against the release version you wish to deploy.
  • A confirmation window will appear, as shown below:
  • Click on Deploy.
    • This action will submit your app release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review, as shown below:
    •  Once the app is Live, the status will change to Live, and a live production link will appear, as shown below:
    • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

View App/View Game Page
  • If you have opted to create a Game Page, you will see View Game Page instead of ‘View App’, as shown below:

Important Information

  • The app review process typically takes 1 to 2 business days for app updates.
  • If you cancel a release while it is Under Review, you must create a new release, as the cancelled release will be marked as Rejected.
  • If you wish to delete your release, refer to the Delete Release section.
  • If you have selected only the Download & Play option within now Owned Properties under Distribution Channels, the Cloud Play link will not be available.

3.2 Managed Publishing

The following section illustrates the ‘Standard’ and ‘Managed’ deployment flows.


  • The managed deployment option allows you to self-manage the publishing process of your app.
  • This feature is only available on request.

If the ‘managed publishing’ feature is enabled for you, use the following steps:

  • Click on the Deploy button against the release version you wish to deploy.
  • A selection window will pop up, where you can select:
3.2.1 Standard

If you choose ‘Standard’, our team will verify and process your submission and notify you via email once it’s live.

  • To opt for standard deployment, select Standard, as shown below:
  • Click on Deploy.
  • This action will submit your app release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review, as shown below:
  •  Once the app is Live, the status will change to Live, and a live production link will appear, as shown below:
  • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

Important Information

  • The app review process typically takes 1 to 2 business days for app updates.

3.2.2 Managed 

If you choose ‘Managed‘, our team will verify and process your submission and email you when it’s ready to be published. You’ll have control over when to make it live.

  • To opt for self-managed deployment, select Managed, as shown below:
  • Click on Deploy.
  • The status will change to ‘Ready To Publish’. 
  • You can now Publish your app or Cancel release, as shown below:
  • Click on Publish.
    • We will process your request. Once your app is live, the status will change to Live, and a production link will appear, as shown below:
    • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

Important Information

  • The app review process typically takes 1 to 2 business days for app updates.
  • Once you click on Publish, it may take some time before your app becomes accessible on
  • If you cancel a release while it is Under Review or Ready to Publish, you must create a new release, as the cancelled release will be marked as Rejected.
  • If you wish to delete your release, refer to the Delete Release section.

Release New Version

Using this section, you can release a New Version of an already-released app.

Important Information

  • If you only wish to update the metadata related to your app, you can follow the steps provided here.
  • These steps are common for Production and Testing Environments.
  • Make sure to provide an incremental Version code for the new version.

To release a new version:

  1. Select your App – Make sure to select the already released App for which you wish to release a new version – Follow the instructions here.
  2. Create a New Release – After app selection, click on Create New Release, as shown below – Follow the instructions here.
  3. Deploy Your App – After you have created a new release, it will saved as a “Draft“. Click on Deploy as shown below:

    • A confirmation window will appear. Click on Deploy.
      • This action will submit your app submission for review, and the status will be marked as ‘Under Review’.
    • Once your app is live, a production link will appear, and the previous release will be marked unpublished, as shown below:
    • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.
    • If ‘Managed Publishing’ is enabled for your company:
Rollback to Previous Release

After releasing a new version, you can roll back to a previous release by following the steps below.

  • From the list of releases, click on the Deploy button in front of the unpublished release, as shown below:
  • On the confirmation windows, click on Deploy.
  • If ‘Managed Publishing’ is enabled for your company:

App Library

The nowStudio App Library lists all your Android app/game version(s) uploaded through nowStudio or the CLI tool.

Using this section, you can upload different versions of your Android app through nowStudio.

To upload a new version:

  • Click on Upload on the top-right corner.
  • Select either:
    • Upload Apk
    • Upload Zip (Apk + Assets)
  1. Upload Apk
    You can use this option to upload only the Apk.

    To do this:

    • Enter Apk version and Version code.
    • Click on Pick file to upload the APK from your system.
    • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
    • Click on Save.
      A progress bar will appear with a confirmation message-
      Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
    • Your version will be added to the App Library.
  2. Upload Zip (Apk+Assets)
    You can use this option to upload a zip archive containing your Apk + Assets.

    To do this:

    • Create a Zip Archive
    • Upload the zip archive
      To do this:

      • Enter the Apk version and Version code.
      • Click on Pick file and select the zip to upload.
      • Add any additional comments regarding the release/build (Optional).
      • Click on Save.
        A progress bar will appear with the following confirmation message-
        Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
      • Your version will be added to the App Library.

Important Information

  • Make sure to follow the folder structure from here.
  • We don’t support the Android App Bundle (AAB) format.
  • We suggest using CLI to upload files larger than 1 GB.
    • Follow the provided guide to upload your app build using CLI.
  • The app version(s) with No Code Payment implementation are also saved in the App library.

Delete Build

nowStudio provides a feature that allows you to delete an uploaded build from the App Library Explorer.

To do this:

  • Click on the delete button in front of the app build you wish to delete.

    • On the confirmation window, click Delete.
  • Your app build will be removed from the list.

HTML 5 Game

Using this section, you can configure and deploy your HTML5 Game on the production environment.

After you have added your HTML5 game, you will be redirected to the App Details page.

App Details

This section contains the app details associated with your app.

Here you can:

  • Select the Genre
  • Enter the Publisher Name.
  • Click on Save.

If you wish to edit the provided information:

  • Click on the Edit button in the bottom-right corner.
  • After you are finished updating the details, click on Save.
  • Click on Information on the left navigation, as shown below:

    This will navigate you to the Production section, where you can configure your app and create a release.


  • The App ID field cannot be edited.

Production Release

Using this section, you can configure your app, create a release and deploy your app on the production environment.

To configure your HTML5 app:

  • Provide Details
    • Information
    • Regions
    • Description and Assets
    • App Contents
  • Create a Release
  • Deploy Your App

1. Provide Details

1.1 Information

Use this section to add additional information about your app/game, such as:

  • Official Email Address
  • Terms of Service URL (Optional)
  • Privacy Policy URL (Optional)

After you have entered the information:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Regions on the left navigation to continue configuring the Regions information.

1.2 Regions

Use this section to choose the region(s) where your app/game will be available. You can also disable your app/game on specific device(s). You may select from the following regions:

  • All Regions
  • North America
  • South America
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • APAC
  • Southeast Asia
  • India
  • Middle East (MEA)
  • Eastern Europe
  • Western Europe
1.2.1 Devices

The following device options are provided. You can choose to restrict/disable one or more devices based on your requirements.

  • Desktop
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Tablet
  • TV

To disable your app/game on a device(s):

  • Uncheck the checkbox against the device name for the required region(s).
  • Here is a sample representation:

After selecting your desired regions and configuring device restrictions:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Description and Assets on the left navigation to continue configuring the Description and Assets.


  • Depending on your preference, you may publish your app/game in ‘All Regions’ or select the specific region(s) or sub-regions.
  • Device restrictions are region-specific. By default, the app/game is enabled on all devices.

1.3 Description and Assets

Use this section to add the app/game description and assets.

Write a description (*Mandatory) of your app/game and upload the assets based on the specifications below.

  • General Game Assets:
    • Game Icon
      • Dimensions – 180 x 180px
      • Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Game Logo
      • Dimensions – 550 x 300px
      • Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Game Wallpaper
      • Dimensions – 1920 x 1080px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • OG Image
      • Dimensions – 1200 x 630px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Banner Video
      • Dimensions – 1920 x 1080px
      • Format – MP4
      • Maximum size – 50 Mb
  • Mobile App Page Banner:
    • Banner Image
      • Dimensions – 720 x 1280px
      • Image format – JPEG
      • Maximum size – 10 Mb
    • Banner Video
      • Dimensions – 720 x 1280px
      • Format – MP4
      • Maximum size – 50 Mb

After selecting your desired regions and configuring device restrictions:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on App Contents on the left navigation to continue configuring the App Contents.

1.4 Select App Contents

Use this section to select the contents of your app/game before submitting it for review.

  • Select Yes/No for the following:
    • App contains built-in Ads

After you have configured the App Contents:

  • Click on Save.
  • Click on Release on the left navigation menu to create a new release.

2. Create a Release

Use this section to create a new release for your app/game and manage your release(s). You can either embed the game or host your game on the servers.

Select your App

Note: If you have already added a new app, you can skip the App selection step and directly refer to Create a Release section.

To select your app from the All Apps section:

  • Click on View Details in front of your app name, as shown below:

2.1 Create a New Release

After you have provided the *mandatory App Information, you can create a release for your app:

To create a release:

  • Click on Create New Release on the top-right corner.
  • Choose the Game Files Source.
  • Choose either:
    • Embed Link
    • Hosted on Platform
2.1.1 Embed Link

To embed your game:

  • Enter the Source URL for your game
  • Click on Save.
    The game will run from the provided URL in an iframe.
2.1.2 Hosted on

To host your game on servers, choose a file source of your game using either of the following options:

  • File
    You can create an archive (.zip) of all your game files and upload them to
  • To do this:
    • Click on Pick File.
      • Select the zip archive of all your game files.
      • Click on Save.
        A progress bar will appear with the following confirmation message-
        Your file is getting uploaded, this may take several minutes.
      • Your App File will be uploaded, and your release will be saved as a Draft.
    • Continue to Deploy Your App.

  • Web URL
    You can provide a web URL for Google Drive, Dropbox, Google Play or any other cloud service link to upload your game files to
  • To do this:
    • Provide a Web URL with your game files.
    • Click on Save.
      This action will save your app release as a Draft.
    • Continue to the next section to Deploy Your App.

3. Deploy Your App

After you have created a release, you can deploy it on the production environment.

To deploy your app:

  • Click on the Deploy button against the release version you wish to deploy, as shown below:
  • A confirmation window will appear. Click on Deploy.
    • This action will submit your app release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review, as shown below:
    • After your release is reviewed, the status will change to Live, and a live production link will appear, as shown below:
    • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

Important Information

  • If you cancel a release while it is Under Review, you must create a new release, as the cancelled release will be marked as Rejected.
  • If you wish to delete your release, refer to the Delete Release section.

Release New Version

Using this section, you can release a New Version of an already-released app.

Important Information

  • If you only wish to update the metadata related to your app, you can follow the steps provide here.
  • Make sure to provide an incremental Version code for the new version.

To release a new version:

  1. Select your App – Make sure to select the already released App for which you wish to release a new version – Follow the instructions here.
  2. Create a New Release – After app selection, click on Create New Release, as shown below – Follow the instructions here.
  3. Deploy Your App – After you have created a new release, it will be saved as a “Draft“. Click on Deploy as shown below:

    • A confirmation window will appear, click on Deploy.
      • This action will submit your release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review.
      • After your app release is verified, the status will change to Live, a live production link will appear, and the previous release will be marked unpublished, as shown below:
      • You can copy the link and paste it into your browser or click on View App to launch your app in a new browser window.

Rollback to Previous Release

After releasing a new version, if you wish to roll back to a previous release, you can do so by following the steps below.

  • From the list of releases, click on the Deploy button in front of the unpublished release, as shown below:
  • A confirmation window will appear, click on Deploy.
    • This action will submit your app release for review, and the status will be marked as Under Review.
  • After your app release is verified, the status will change to Live, a live production link will appear, and the other live release will be marked unpublished.

Additional Information

This section illustrates some additional features associated with production release for both Native Android and HTML5 Apps.

1. Update App Metadata

Using this section, you can update any app information (metadata) associated with a live release.


  • The section is applicable to both Android and HTML 5 Apps.

To update the app information:

  • Select your app from the All Apps section.
  • Click on View Details in front of your app name, as shown below:
  • Select from:
    • App Details
    • Regions
    • Description and Assets
    • App Contents
  • For the section you wish to edit.
    • Click on the Edit button in the bottom right corner.
    • Once you have updated the data, click on Save.
  • Your information changes will be reviewed, and an email notification will be sent once the changes are live.

2. Cancel Deployment

You can only cancel a release while it is in Draft state or Under Review.

To cancel a deployment:

  • Click on the Cancel button against the release that you wish to cancel, as shown below:
  • On the confirmation screen, click on Cancel Deployment.
    • If you cancel the app deployment, you will have to start the deployment again.
  • Your deployment will be cancelled, and your release will be marked as Rejected, as shown below:

3. Delete a Release

You can only delete a release while it is in a Draft, Unpublished or Rejected state.

To delete a release:

  • Click on the Delete icon under Actions within your release information, as shown below:
  • On the confirmation screen, click on Delete.
    • Your release will be deleted and removed from the list.

Credentials Cloud offers various APIs and services that you can integrate with your app. Before you start, please ensure you have the necessary credentials. Payments

1. Payment ID Payments module integration requires a PAYMENT_ID for in-app payments.

Once you add your app to the nowStudio, the PAYMENT_ID is automatically generated by and stored for your use:

To view the PAYMENT_ID:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against ‘Payment ID’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the generated PAYMENT_ID and use it for Integration.

2. Payments Verification API Key

The server-side configuration of Payments while setting up No Code Payment requires a Payments Verification API Key.

To view the Payments Verification API Key:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against ‘Payments Verification API Key’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the generated API key.

3. Public Key for IAP Verification (Optional)

A Public key is used to verify in-app purchases made by users within your game/app once you integrate Payments.

After you have added your app to the nowStudio, the public key is automatically generated by and stored for your use.

To view the Public Key:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against ‘Public key for IAP verification’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the generated key and use it in your game/app.

4. Webhook API Key

The callback APIs for Webshop (PaymentProcessingCallback) and Subscriptions(SubscriptionStatusCallback) require a Webhook API Key.

After you have added your app to the nowStudio, this key is automatically generated by and stored for your use.

To view/regenerate the API Key:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against ‘Webhook API Key’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the generated key and use it for integration.
        • Click on the Regenerate button if you want to regenerate the Webhook API key.

Other Credentials

The following are other credentials you may require while integrating with SDK modules.

1. Generate OAuth 2.0 Credentials for Login Login conforms to the OpenID Connect specifications. Before, your app can use Login, you are required to generate OAuth 2.0 app credentials.

You will require an OAuth 2.0 client ID and a client secret pair for authentication.

To view these credentials:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against the ‘OAuth 2.0 Credentials’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the Client ID and Client Secret pair.

Important Information

  • OAuth 2.0 credentials are only required if you integrate Login with your app/game.
  • You must generate separate OAuth 2.0 credentials for each app.
    • We do not recommend using shared credentials across multiple apps, as revoking access for one app could cause unintended service interruptions for all your apps.

2. Shield API Key Shield module for Native Android and Unity requires an API Key.

Once you add your app to nowStudio, the Shield API Key is automatically generated and stored for you to use:

To view the Shield API Key:

  • Log in to the nowStudio.
  • Click on All Apps.
    • Click on View Details beside your listed app name.
    • Click on Credentials, located on the left sidebar.
      • Click on View Details against ‘Shield API Key’.
      • Click the Copy button to copy the generated Shield API Key and use it for Integration.

Error Codes and Description

The following are the error codes related to publishing and their explanation.

Error Code Description
INTERNAL_ERROR An internal error occurred. Please try again or contact
APP_PKG_NAME_MISMATCHED The app package name provided while adding the app and the actual APK package name do not match. Please use the correct app package name and try again.
BUILD_VERSION_MISMATCHED The version code provided while creating the release does not match the APK version code. Please use the correct version code and try again.
NETWORK_ERROR An error occurred while downloading a file from the provided URL. Please try again.
EXCEEDED_TIMEOUT_LIMIT The operation timed out. Please try again.
ZIP_FILE_FORMAT_INVALID The provided Zip does not follow the prescribed format. (Prescribed Zip format)
FILE_EXTRACTION_FAILED An error occurred while unzipping the provided Zip archive. This could be due to the APK file not being found within the Zip or multiple APKs being present. Please check and try again.
METADATA_JSON_FORMAT_ERROR The provided metadata.json file within the Zip isn’t formatted correctly. Please follow the provided format and try again.
INCORRECT_OBB_FILES_NAME The Obb files provided within the Zip have incorrect file names. Please check and try again.

Table of Contents


Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Create a Developer Account
  • Start Using nowStudio
  • Publish
  • Payments
  • Webshop
  • Traffic
  • Analytics

Document Rev. 1.0

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