nowSDK is a comprehensive solution designed for Native Android and Unity developers, offering powerful tools to enhance your app experience. With various modules, nowSDK provides everything you need to boost engagement, monetize effectively, and streamline integration. Unlock new possibilities for your app with nowSDK, engineered for performance, flexibility, and user engagement.
nowSDK Download
Start by downloading our SDK and choose from the available modules to integrate.

Enable seamless in-app Payments and save on store commissions using our Payments Module.
Integration Guide
User Account Service
Reach the massive user base and enable Login by integrating with our User Account Service.
Integration Guide.
Rewarded Ads
Display in-app ads to the users in exchange for an in-app reward.
Integration Guide
Simplify your app workflow and get access to utility and helper functions with Utility module.
Integration Guide.
Unlock advanced embedding with event-driven communication between your website and game on nowCloud.
Integration Guide.
Fortify your game infrastructure with our advanced Shield Module.
Integration Guide
Give users secure access to Web3 games and store digital assets in one place with our Wallet Module.
Integration Guide.