This section illustrates how you can set up a powered Webshop or link your existing Webshop to your app and save on store commission.
To setup a Webshop:
- Click on Setup Shop.
This will take you to the Shop Details – Configuration section, where you can provide the required details and publish your Shop.
Shop Details
This section enables you to configure your shop and lists the draft or published shop here.
Using this section, you can configure your Webshop.
To configure your Shop, you must select your Shop preference.
You can either:
Build Powered Webshop
After choosing ‘Build Webshop’ within Shop Preferences, you can continue configuring your powered Webshop here.
1. Shop Products
Using this section, you can select the products you want to sell on your Webshop.
- Click on Select Products +, as shown below:

- Select from your already-added products:

- If there are no existing products or you want to add new products, you can add them under the In-app Products section.
- After you have selected the products, click on Done.
- You can now continue adding design assets in the next step.
2. Design Assets
Using this section, you can select the design assets for your Webshop.
Important Information
- If you upload general game assets (under the Publish tab) while adding your app to nowStudio, they will be automatically picked up while building your Webshop.
- You can click on replace image to change the respective images as per your requirement.
- Any changes made here will be reflected on the Description and Assets Page within the Publishing tab.
You can upload the assets based on the specifications below:
- Game Icon
- Dimensions – 512 x 512px
- Image format – .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG
- Maximum size – 10 Mb
- Game Logo
- Dimensions – 550 x 300px
- Image format – .PNG, .SVG
- Maximum size – 10 Mb
- Banner Image
- Dimensions – 1920 x 1080px
- Image format – JPEG
- Maximum size – 10 Mb
- Banner Video
- Landscape
- Dimensions – 1920 x 1080px
- Format – MP4
- Maximum size – 50 Mb
- Portrait
- Dimensions – 720 x 1280px
- Format – MP4
- Maximum size – 50 Mb
3. Payment Settings
Using this section, you can configure the following payment settings for your Webshop.

You can configure:
- Callback URL
Provide us with a callback URL that we will use to send the request data after a transaction.
- API Key
The API key is passed along with the request data sent to you after a transaction. You can verify it to ensure the authenticity of the API call.
4. Privacy Policy
Using this section, you can configure the privacy policy setting.
- Provide us with your organization’s privacy policy URL, as shown below:

- Updating the Privacy Policy URL here will also reflect under the information section of the Publish tab.
5. Publish or Save Draft
After you have finished configuring your Webshop, you can:
- Save your Webshop as a Draft
- Publish your Webshop
Save Draft
To save your Webshop as a Draft:
- Click on Save Draft in the bottom-right corner
- Your Webshop will be saved as a draft and added to the Shop Details section, as shown below:

- To preview your Webshop, click on Preview Webshop.
- You can preview your Webshop and make necessary changes before publishing.
(Preview will open in a new window)
- To continue editing your Webshop, click on Edit Shop, as shown above.
Publish your Webshop
After you are finished configuring your Webshop:
- Click on Publish in the bottom-right corner.
- Your Webshop will be published and added to the Shop Details section, as shown below:

- You can either copy the published URL or click on the View Webshop button to access your Webshop.
- If you wish to edit any details/information associated with your Webshop:
- After you are finished editing, click on Publish.
- On the confirmation window, click on Publish.
Unpublish Powered Webshop or Switch to your existing Webshop
To unpublish your powered Webshop:
- Within the Shop Details section:
- Click on Edit Shop in the top right corner.
- Click on Unpublish in the bottom right.
- On the confirmation window, click on Unpublish.
- Your Webshop will be unpublished and moved to a draft state.
- To access your drafted Webshop, click on Shop Details on the left navigation.
Switch to Existing Webshop
You can switch from a ‘ powered Webshop’ to an existing Webshop (other than
To do this:
- Click on Edit Shop, as shown below:

(The configuration section will be opened)
- Within the configuration section, under Shop Preference:
- Click on Use Existing Webshop
- On the confirmation window, click on Proceed.
- Your powered Webshop will be disabled.
- You can enter the URL for your existing shop.
- Click on Publish.
- On the confirmation window, click on Publish.
Use Existing Webshop
Using this section, you can link your existing Webshop with nowStudio and sell your products.
To use your existing Webshop:
- Enter the URL of your existing Webshop
- Click on Publish.
- On the Confirmation window, click on Publish.
- Your Webshop will be published and added to the Shop Details section, as shown below:

- You can either copy the provided link to your Webshop or click on View Webshop to open your Webshop in a new browser window.
- If you wish to edit your Webshop, click on Edit Shop in the top-right corner, as shown above.
- After you have finished editing, click on Publish.
Switch to powered Webshop
Using this section, you can switch from an existing Webshop to a powered Webshop.
To do this:
- On the Shop Details section, click on Edit Shop in the top right corner, as shown below:

(The configuration section will be opened)
- Within the configuration section, under Shop Preference:
- Click on Build Webshop.
- On the confirmation window, click on Proceed.
- Configure your Webshop by following the steps illustrated here.
Internal Testers
Internal testing allows you to effortlessly test the product purchase and delivery flow on your powered Webshop. You can add testers to test Webshop purchases.
To add a tester:
- Under All Apps.
- Click on View Details against the app you wish to test integration with.
- Click on Testers on the left sidebar.
- Click on Add Tester.
- Enter the in-game user ID (
) of the user you wish to use for testing.

- Click on Add.
An on-screen confirmation that ‘A tester has been added successfully’ will be displayed.
To delete a tester:
- Under All Apps.
- Click on View Details against the app you wish to test integration with.
- Click on Testers on the left sidebar.
- A list of testers will be displayed, as shown below:

- A confirmation pop-up will open, as shown below:

- Click on Delete.
An on-screen confirmation that ‘A tester has been deleted successfully’ will be displayed.
Payments processing callback API
(Developer Provided)
This section illustrates the API specs for you to provide us with a PaymentsProcessingCallback
API to successfully process Webshop purchases.
- This is a developer-provided API. We will use this API to send the request data after a product is purchased on the Webshop.
The PaymentsProcessingCallback
API should be used to successfully process Webshop payments. The following is the workflow associated with order processing:
- nowStudio will use this API to send the request data to your game backend.
- Your game backend can authenticate the request using the API key we provided (under Payment settings).
- You can complete the purchase flow by allotting the purchased product to the user.
- After we receive a status code 200 with success as true, we will mark the purchase order as completed.
Request Method
Request Header
Authorization: "<API-Key Here>"
Content-type: application/json
Note: You can generate/regenerate the API Key using this section.
Request Body
The following parameters will be included in the request body.
Params |
Type |
Value |
Description |
notificationType |
string |
Sent when the user’s payment is completed. |
data |
object |
Data Object Params
The following parameters are associated with the data object.
Params |
Type |
Sample Values |
Description |
orderId |
string |
1-202402110116343 |
Order ID associated with the purchase order. |
packageName |
string | |
Package name of your app. |
productId |
string |
SampleProduct |
Product ID associated with the product purchased by the user. |
eventTime |
long |
1707965194000 |
The epoch timestamp associated with the order. |
paymentId |
string |
1234 |
Unique Identifier for your app. |
amount |
float |
24.99 |
Amount associated with the order. |
isTestOrder |
boolean |
true |
True/False |
currency |
string |
Currency associated with the in-app purchase order. |
inGameId |
string |
abc123 |
In-game User ID of the user. |
developerPayload |
string |
{UID: abc} |
A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order. |
Expected Response
The following is the sample expected response associated with the PaymentsProcessingCallback
"success": true,
"reason": "reason_for_failure". // Optional Param. Only required if success is false.
Refund Processing
The following process is implemented for refunds on the Webshop.
- After we send the request data using the callback URL you have provided, we will wait for a response from your API.
- We will mark the order as complete if we receive a status code 200 with success as true.
- If we do not get a success response, we will keep retrying for some time. If no response is received, we will initiate a refund for the order.