
This document contains the reference for NowGGPaymentsSdkManagerclass and its methods.

Instance – Returns the instance of the class.

Public Methods

The following public method references are provided:

  1. InitializeIap()
  2. OnInitSuccess()
  3. OnInitFailed()
  4. PurchaseProduct()
  5. OnPurchaseFailed()
  6. ConfirmPendingPurchase()

1. InitializeIap

This method is used to Initialize the Payments module with provided arguments.




Type Param Description
string PAYMENT_ID App-specific ID to enable Payments

2. OnInitSuccess

This callback function of Payments module is triggered on successful initialization.

Return type – Void.


 NowGGPaymentsSdkManager.Instance.OnInitSuccess += OnInitSuccess;

3. OnInitFailed

This callback function of Payments module is triggered when initialization fails.


 NowGGPaymentsSdkManager.Instance.OnInitFailed += OnInitFailed;


Type Param Description
string error Returns error associated with initialization failure.

4. PurchaseProduct

This method is used to initiate a product purchase.


public void PurchaseProduct(string productId, string developerPayload=null)
     NowGGPaymentsSdkManager.Instance.PurchaseProduct(productId, developerPayload);


Type Param Description
string productId Unique identifier for the purchased product.
string developerPayload A developer-specified string that contains supplemental information about an order.

5. OnPurchaseFailed

This callback function returns the errorCode and errorMessage when the purchase fails.


public void OnPurchaseFailed(int errorCode, string errorMessage)
    Debug.Log($"OnPurchaseFailed: errorCode: {errorCode} and msg: {errorMessage}");

Response Codes

The table below showcases the type, response code, and response description.

Type Param Description
int 0 Indicates Successful Operation.
int 1 Indicates that the process was cancelled by the user or they pressed the back button.
int 2 Indicates a network issue.
int 3 This indicates that the Payment API version is not supported for the type requested.
int 4 Indicates that the requested item is not available for purchase.
int 5 Indicates multiple scenarios, mainly: i) invalid arguments provided to the API. ii) Setup issues within Payment Service. iii) Permission issues.
int 6 Indicates a fatal error during execution.
int 7 Indicates that the item is already owned, purchase failure.
int 8 Indicates an issue where the item is not owned and hence cannot be consumed.
int -1 The service is not connected at the moment. Possible reasons could be: i) Service maintenance ii) Application in a transient state.
int -2 This indicates that the requested feature is not supported by Billing Service on that specific device.
int -3 This indicates that maximum timeouts have occurred, and the billing service hasn’t responded.
int 100 INVALID_PAYMENT_ID – This indicates that Payment ID is invalid.
int 101 PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND_ON_STUDIO – This indicated that the product was not found on nowStudio.
int 102 INVALID_PURCHASE_TOKEN – This indicates that the provided purchase token is invalid.
int 103 PRODUCT_ALREADY_CONSUMED – This indicates that the product is already consumed.
int 104 PRODUCT_ALREADY_ACKNOWLEDGED – This indicates that the product is already acknowledged.
int 105 PRODUCT_NOT_CONSUMED – This indicates that the purchased product was not consumed.
int 106 ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_CANNOT_BE_PURCHASED_AGAIN – This indicates that an active subscription cannot be purchased again.
int 107 NO_VALID_SUBSCRIPTION_FOUND – This indicates that a valid subscription was not found.
int 108 PAYMENT_FAILED – This indicates that the Payment has failed.
int 109 PAYMENT_CANCELLED – This indicates that the Payment was cancelled.
int 110 PAYMENT_TIMEOUT – This indicates that a timeout with the Payment.
int 1000 INTERNAL_ERROR – This indicates that an internal error has occured.

6. ConfirmPendingPurchase

This method is used to check for and consume any unconsumed purchases.


public void ConfirmPendingPurchase(string purchasetoken, ProductType productType) {
     if (productType == ProductType.Consumable) {
     } else {


Type Param Description
string purchasetoken The Purchase Token generated after a successful purchase.
ProductType productType Type of product- Consumable, NonConsumable, Subscription.

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