
This document features the references for Events Module.

Native Android

This section contains the references related for Events module for native Andoird.


The NowGGEventsSdkManager class provides the public methods to send events/commands to your app/game.

getInstance() - Returns the instance of the class.

1. openUrl

This method is used to open the specified URL in a new browser window.

Params Type Summary
url string Opens the provided URL in a new browser window.
activityContext Activity Provides the context of the activity used to perform this operation.

2. sendEventToBrowser

This method is used to send the event information to your HTML Page.

Params Type Summary
eventName string Name of the event to be sent to the HTML page.
eventData string The payload of the event to be sent to the HTML page.
activityContext Activity Provides the context of the activity used to perform this operation.

Note: As the function intended for transferring data to the HTML is generic, ensure to serialize and deserialize eventData according to your requirements.

3. getAppLaunchDataBundle

This method is used to retrieve a dictionary/bundle of all app launch data parameters.

Params Type Summary
activityContext Activity Provides the context of the activity used to perform this operation.

4. getAppLaunchDataProperty

This method is used to retrieve a specific app launch data parameter by name.

Params Type Summary
propertyName string Parameter to be retrieved from app launch data.
activityContext Activity Provides the context of the activity used to perform this operation.


This section contains the references related for Events module for Unity.


The NowGGEventsSdkManager class provides the public methods to send events/commands to your app/game.

Instance - Returns the instance of the class.

1. OpenURL

This method is used to open the specified URL in a new browser window.

Params Type Summary
url string Opens the provided URL in a new browser window.

2. SendEventToBrowser

This method is used to send the event information to your HTML Page.

Params Type Summary
eventName string Name of the event to be sent to the HTML page.
eventData string The payload of the event to be sent to the HTML page.

Note: As the function intended for transferring data to the HTML is generic, ensure to serialize and deserialize eventData according to your requirements.

3. GetAppLaunchDataDictionary

This method is used to retrieve a dictionary of all app launch data parameters.

4. GetAppLaunchDataProperty

This method is used to retrieve a specific app launch data parameter by name.

Params Type Summary
propertyName string Parameter to be retrieved from app launch data.

Document Rev. 1.0

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